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lang linkedin.com HTTP Session
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Set by LinkedIn when a web page contains an embedded “Follow us” panel.
Initiator: Script tag
Source: http://valentinaneacsu .ro/
Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

_ga valentinaneacsu.ro HTTP 2 years
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 87
Source: https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
Prior consent enabled: No

_gat valentinaneacsu.ro HTTP Session
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used by Google An alytics to th rottle request rate
Initiator: Script tag, page source lin en umber 87
Source: https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate)
Prior consent enabled: No

_gid valentinaneacsu.ro HTTP Session
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 87
Source: https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
Data is sent to: United States (adequate)
Prior consent enabled: No

bcookie linkedin.com HTTP 2 years
First found URL: h ttp://valen tin an eacsu .ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used by th e social n etw orkin g service, Lin kedIn , for trackin g th e u se of embedded services.
Initiator: Script tag
Source: h ttp://valen tin an eacsu .ro/
Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate)

bscookie linkedin.com HTTP 2 years
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn , for tracking the use of embedded services.
Initiator: Script tag
Source: http://valentinaneacsu .ro/
Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

collect google-analytics.com Pixel Session
First found URL: h ttp://valen tin an eacsu .ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used to sen d data to Google An alytics abou t th e visitor’s device an d beh aviou r. Tracks th e visitor across d
evices an d marketin g ch an n els.
Initiator: Script tag, page sou rce lin e n umber 87
Source: h ttps://w w w .google-an alytics.com/an alytics.js
Data is sent to: Un ited States (adequ ate)

fr facebook.com HTTP 3 months
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
Initiator: Page source linen umber 56-62
Source: In line script
Data is sent to: United Kingdom (adequate)
Prior consent enabled: No

impression.php/#facebook.com Pixel Session
First found URL: http://valentinaneacsu .ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used by Facebook to register impressions on pages with the Facebook login button .
Initiator: In line script, page source linen umber 56-62
Source: https://www.facebook.com/impression .ph p/f14e18c2fde2a94/?api_key=177039029118057&lid=115&payload=%7B%22sou rce%22%3A%22jssdk%22%7D
Data is sent to: United Kingdom (adequate)

lidc linkedin.com HTTP Session
First found URL: https://valentinaneacsu.ro/
Cookie purpose description: Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.
Initiator: Script tag
Source: http://valentinaneacsu .ro/
Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

tr facebook.com Pixel Session
First found URL: http://valentinaneacsu .ro/
Cookie purpose description: Un classified
Initiator: In line script, page source line n umber 56-62
Source: https://www.facebook.com/tr/?id=177039029118057&ev=fb_page_view &dl=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fvalentinaneacsu .ro%2F&rl=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fvalentinaneacsu.ro%2F&if=false&ts=1525782438732&sw =1024&sh=768
Data is sent to: United Kingdom (adequate)